Vehicle Shipping 101 From

A sensible approach to choosing Car Shippers, Auto Transport Services and Vehicle Shipping Companies.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Calling all Snowbrids & Students Shipping Cars

It's almost that time again, although you wouldn't know it, judging by the weather this winter. We are talking about spring time. In the auto transport business that means students and snowbirds are heading home and many need their cars shipped back.

As always the more time you give yourself to set up a transporter the more money you will save and most likely have less headaches. We also recommend comparing at least 3 quotes before deciding on any one shipper.

After you have chosen your auto shipper, research the company you intend to do business with. There are plenty of resources online including the BBB, and the federal gov sites. Check to make sure that the transporter is licensed and insured. Brokers must be bonded and auto carriers must be licensed by the DOT and carry insurance.