Boat Transport Without a Trailer
Unlike car transport , boat transports can get a bit complicated for several reasons. Obviously boats are quite larger and heavier for one, but they also have other factors which makes them more difficult to transport than cars. One of the main factors is the boat trailer. While many boat owners have trailers many do not. And those that down the trailer might not be roadworthy suitable for long distance transports.
Rest assured many boat transporters can accommodate boats without trailers with their equipment to get the job done. Even if you own a trailer run a quick check to make sure the trailer is in good condition. Here is a quick check list:
1. Trailer Tires Pressure and tire rot.
2. Structural sound no frame rust.
3. If brakes are they working & properly oiled.
4. Axle properly greased.
5. Signal lights working.
This quick check can save you quite a bit of money. In most cases if your trailer breaks down the transport company will charge for the down time.
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