Revisiting & Clarifying Transport Brokers vs. Car Carriers
We covered this transport topic several times over the months but since we get so many questions about it we revisit the carrier vs. Transport broker debate. SO you've got a car to ship. You have received and have compared several auto shipping quotes. Some companies telling you their an actual "carrier" and some telling you they are a auto transport broker? What does that actually mean to do and which is better? Here are some answers and tips and clarity:
Just the facts:
1. Carriers
Own their own trucks. They are licesned by the federal government under a carrier classification and have a USDOT license.
They have the actual insurance that covers your automobile en route while being transported. The FMCSA requires at minimum of 100,000 dollars of coverage.
Not all carriers are licensed to do business with the John general public. It depends if they have common authority or for contract.
A carrier can have several trucks or even just one.
Auto Transport Brokers:
They do not own any trucks. (with the exception that they may have both authorities which would be broker and carrier which can be checked at the FMCSA site.)
They are bonded by the federal government but carry no actual insurance to cover your car under transport. That falls under the carriers policy. The bond is to cover the carriers and ensured they are paid.
Brokers have access and relationships with and to hundreds of carriers and even thousands. thru years or relationships and load posting boards.
So which one is better?
It depends. While it may be more direct with a carrier for accountability depending on the company pick up and delivery may actually be slower. It could also be faster depending on the companies size and location of trucks.
Brokers have access to a number of trucking companies. Sometimes, they can find a carrier in their network that usually can pick up the vehicle on or around the requested pick up date/ delivery date.
Who is better to deal with?
It depends! Auto transport brokers will have a staffed office with different departments including sales, dispatch (responsible for finding your car a truck). A trucking company depending on the size could have this or not. If not you will be dealing with the trucker directly.
what's the best than?
Do your home work and get several quotes.
Than compare the companies thru site like the BBB, FMCSa and auto transport reviews.
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