Drive Your Car or Have it Transported?
As we have posted about computing car shipping costs , as recently as last week gas prices are up. When gas prices are up the cost of auto transport goes up because of the fuel costs to auto carriers. However driving your car to its destination could cost you more. Lets calculate an example to compare auto transport costs. We will use a typical transport from Florida to New York in our example.
1. Mileage distance calculated = 1,222
2. As of writing this post average gas prices = $2.89
3. Lets use a small suv or sedan (small 8 cylinder = 21 hwy MPG)
4. Average tank of gas will get you 400 miles
Now, lets do the math figuring how many gallons of gasoline @ $2.89 it will cost Lets use 25 gallons per tank for examples sake. You would need to fill up 3.5x @ $58 per fill up = $252.87
in gas charges. Now incorporate 1 hotel room and food. We will call it $225 (for 2). Plus the 18 hours of your time in driving. The total = $477.87.
We will use an average of what auto transport company charge for that particular route:
Lets use .55 cents per mile on a 11 car carrier = $611 bucks.
For a difference of $134, to have it professioanly transported.
You Make the Call! You could buy a hybrid!
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