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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Door to door auto transport or terminal to terminal shipping?

What is all this door to door and terminal to terminal auto shipping you ask and what the flux in price quotes? Here the scoop in a few simple paragraphs.

What is aterminal first off? A terminal is a place not just airports have but also carriers have to place cars in holding. Its a seucred lot most of the time.

Terminal to terminal auto transport is not only for those looking to save money on car shipping but also reserved for those with other needs. If your street or wherever your car is going to be for the auto shipper to pick up is not big enoough to get an auto carrier than thats your best bet. Also if you are not going to be there and have no arrangments on that particular date for someone else there than terminal auto transport may also be for you.

Door to door car transport is good for those who will be ther to meet the driver picking up your car and who have enough room for the auto carrier to manuever. Door to door transport may cost you more but is more conveinant.


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